NUMBER 129 – March 2018

Sorting Between and Within Industries: A Testable Model of Assortative Matching (pp. 1-32)
John M. Abowd, Francis Kramarz, Sébastien Pérez-Duarte and Ian M. Schmutte

Environmental Tax Reform under Debt Constraint (pp. 33-52)
Mouez Fodha, Thomas Seegmuller and Hiroaki Yamagami

Natural Disasters: Exposure and Underinsurance (pp. 53-83)
Céline Grislain-Letrémy

Legal Wage Constraints and Capital Accumulation (pp. 85-102)
Damien Gaumont and Daniel Leonard

Does Formal Child Care Availability for 0–3 Year Olds Boost Mothers’ Employment Rate? Panel Data Based Evidence from Belgium (pp. 103-126)
Claire Dujardin, Muriel Fonder and Bernard Lejeune

Risk and Unraveling in Labor Markets (pp. 127-144)
Olivier Bos and Martin Ranger