Call for Paper for the Special issue on Panel Data Econometrics.
The Annals of Economics and Statistics, throughout their history, published some of the leading research in panel data econometrics. Two main events illustrate the close relationship between the field and the journal. Forty years ago, taking advantage of newly available panel data sources required new econometric developments the Annals (then called « Les annales de l’Insee ») published a special issue on panel data (Vol 30-31). Twenty years later, panel data had become more central to applied research, and the journal published a second special issue on the topic (Vol 55-56). The list of contributing authors can be found below.
Today, both micro and macro empirical researchers make predominant use of panel data. The field is taught in textbooks and in the classroom. At the same time the econometric frontier is moving rapidly, partly due to the growing interest in new forms of panel data such as matched data or network data.
The Annals have decided to publish a third special issue on panel data, in an attempt to disseminate some of the best methodological and empirical work in the field.
Topics of primary interest include, but are not limited to:
- Empirical evaluation of public policy, in labour economics, education, health, public finance, industrial organizations…
- Methods for linear and nonlinear models
- Cross-sectional dependence and interactions
- Network data and matched panel data
- Prediction using panel data
Important dates:
- Deadline for submissions: 1st March 2018, extended to 15th March 2018
- Publication of the special issue: June 2019
Papers have to be sent to
Guest Editors :
- Stéphane Bonhomme (University of Chicago),
- Laurent Davezies (Crest).
Authors of vol. 30-31 of Les annales de l’Insee (in alphabetical order): Atkinson M., Chamberlain G., Chevalier J.C., Eisner R., Glejser H., Griliches Z., Hall B. H., Hausman J.A., Harvey A.C., Heckman J.J., Henin P.Y., Hester D.D, Jöreskog K.G., Kapteyn A., Lillard L.A., Lipsey R.E., Maddala G.S., Mairesse J., Mazodier P., Mott F.L., Mundlak Y., Nerlove M., Oudiz G., Paelinck J., Salvas-Bronsard L., Shapiro D., Smith J.P., Trognon A., Welch F.R., Wansbeek T.J.
Authors of vol. 55-56 of Les annales d’Economie et Statistique (in alphabetical order): Abrevaya J., Baltagi B.H., Butzer R., Cermeño R., Chamberlain G., Cote-Colisson N., Fitzgerald J., Gaulier G., Gottschalk P., Granger C.W.J., Hall B.H., Hausman J.A., Hirano K., Hultberg P.T., Hurlin C, Hyung N, Jean-Pierre P., Knaap T., Larson D.F., Lechner M., Legendre F., Lillard L.A., Maddala G. S., Mairesse J., Meghir C., Moffit R., Mulkay B., Mundlak Y., Nadiri M.I. Nerlove M.,, Sevestre P., Rochina-Barrachina M.E., Sickles R.C., Wansbeek T.J., Windmeijer F.