No. 132, January 2019
Introduction to the Special Issue on Frontiers in Environmental Economics (pp. 1-3)
Laurent Linnemer and David Martimort
Converting Primary Resources into Useful Energy: The Pollution Ceiling Efficiency Paradox (pp. 5-32)
Jean-Pierre Amigues and Michel Moreaux
Non-Conventional Instruments and Supervision of Environmental Policies (pp. 33-51)
Dominique Bureau
Information Aggregation in Emissions Markets with Abatement (pp. 53-79)
Estelle Cantillon and Aurélie Slechten
Contracts for the Management of a Non-Renewable Resource under Asymmetric Information and Structural Price Breaks (pp. 81-103)
David Martimort and Jerome Pouyet and Francesco Ricci
Differentiating Permit Allocation Across Areas (pp. 105-128)
Jean-Philippe Nicolaï and Jorge Zamorano
Prescriptivism, Risk Aversion, and Intertemporal Substitution in Climate Economics (pp. 129-149)
J. Paul Kelleher and Gernot Wagner