NUMBER 117 / 118 – JUNE 2015

Special issue on the economics of gender


Introduction to the Special Issue on the Economics of Gender (pp. 11-17)
Patricia Apps and Catherine Sofer

Gender in Labour Economics

New Evidence of Ethnic and Gender Discriminations in the French Labor Market Using Experimental Data: A Ranking Extension of Responses from Correspondence Tests (pp. 21-39)
Emmanuel Duguet, Loïc Du Parquet, Yannick L’horty and Pascale Petit

Gender Gaps in Performance Pay: New Evidence from Spain (pp. 41-59)
Sara de la Rica, Juan J. Dolado and Raquel Vegas

Gender Differences in Careers (pp. 61-88)
Antti Kauhanen and Sami Napari

Gender and Care Costs

Proximity and Co-residence of Adult Children and their Parents in the United States: Descriptions and Correlates (pp. 91-114)
Janice Compton and Robert A. Pollak

Child Care and Labour Market Participation in France: Do Monetary Incentives Matter? (pp. 115-139)
Guillaume Allègre, Véronique Simonnet and Catherine Sofer

Gender Bias in Tax Systems Based on Household Income (pp. 141-155)
Yuri Andrienko, Patricia Apps and Ray Rees

Gender and The Economics of The Household

Intergenerational Correlation of Domestic Work: Does Gender Matter? (pp. 159-184)
Anne Solaz and François-Charles Wolff

Welfare Comparisons, Economies of Scale and Equivalence Scale in Time Use (pp. 185-210)
Hélène Couprie and Gaëlle Ferrant

Do Couples Bargain over Fertility? (pp. 211-231)
Timo Hener

Efficiency-Equality Trade-off within French and German Couples: A Comparative Experimental Study (pp. 233-252)
Miriam Beblo, Denis Beninger, François Cochard, Hélène Couprie and Astrid Hopfensitz

Household Consumption at Retirement: A Regression Discontinuity Study on French Data (pp. 253-276)
Nicolas Moreau and Elena Stancanelli